
If you visit on a regular basis, you may have noticed some changes. My recent spate of unemployment has left me more time to tweak the site.

I know I owe you a post on my own personal banishing ritual, but I’m going to do it a little differently. Everyone who signs up for our mailing list will get the banishing ritual in their inbox. Not that I think it’s the most awesome banishing ever. Not that I think it will get rid of all the demons on your block and clear up your case of herpes. But I do believe it is a good example of taking the basic form of the modern hermetic banishing ritual, and how to change it to meet personal needs. I don’t expect anyone to replicate it, but I think it is something to get ideas from. Making it yourself is always best, right? So sign up for Hieroglyphs and get some extras in your email.

I will be posting a regular update tomorrow, and a new Roll of Thoth on Friday.

You may also have noticed that I’ve monetized the site. If you purchase something off our Amazon suggestions, or use our Amazon search box to find stuff you want, we get a small cut. I do this with a heavy heart. I don’t believe in performing magick for money, but I also believe we provide some interesting content. I’m one step away from adding a paypal button so I can do some begging. Let me know if you think it detracts from the site. I truly value your opinion.

To contact us, you can always send email to james (a) scrollofthoth.com. We also have a new phone number for you to leave comments and questions: 317-296-3247. We may even play your message on the air.
Thank you for visiting. Don’t forget to leave reviews for the podcast on iTunes and other podcast sites. It helps us bring you even more.

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