Every week I share with you seven websites with great resources or fantastic art to raise your knowledge and your gnosis.
I’ve been promising you art from the beginning time to deliver. While I am a man of words, it is hard to deny that the realm of the subconscious the realm of magick, is a visual realm.
Iconomancy – http://iconomancy.hrmtc.com/ The new art and image tumblr blog from the Hermetic Library. How can you go wrong.
The Genius of Zos – http://www.banger.com/spare/ The art of Austin Osman Spare. Check the links for scans of his entire books.
Sigil – http://sigil.pl/?lang=en A Polish language website with much art and crafty things. Google will translate it well enough.
Art Magick – http://www.artmagick.com/ Not necessarily occult images, but 19th century paintings, many with occult themes.
LAShTAL – http://www.lashtal.com/portal/ The home of Aleister Crowley Society. It does much to promote the Beast’s artwork and other artists influenced by Thelema
Harold Arthur McNeil – http://haroldarthurmcneill.wordpress.com/ One of my favorite occult artists, also a musician but I am not familiar with his music. It’s hard to find one website with a breadth of his works. Also see – http://www.counter-currents.com/2011/09/the-paintings-of-harold-arthur-mcneill/
John Coulthart – http://www.johncoulthart.com/index.html Great art both commercial and fine (if there is a difference). I am for some reason drawn to his basic iconographic Major Arcana.